Our random acts of mail art kindness series continues with these lovely contributions.
Here's the card and story from Judith:
I'm going to send this card to people who befriended us last year when
we spent a month in Venice, Florida. It wasn't a hardship but the
"befriending" still made an enormous contribution to my happiness. It
turned out I had some experience that was relevant to a project these
new friends were working on, so we had a lovely exchange. This winter,
I'm remembering them and saying thank you. The card didn't take long to
make, but I love how it came out. Drugstore disposable cameras are
overwhelmed by the bright light of the tropics, and the results are
sometimes very interesting.Terrie made a batch of Valentine's day postcards for children who are hospitalized. (read more about the project here.) She wants to remind you that you still have time to join this great cause!