
New list for Informal Mail Art Exchange.

In the interest of keeping our informal mail art exchange list up to date, I'm going to be deleting the entire page and staring fresh for 2014.

I was originally just going to delete the comments/addresses that were posted more than 6 months ago, but then I looked at the list.
There are 160 comments, and there is no way to delete a whole batch at once.  I would have to delete them one by one (which is a two step process) and it would take way more time and patience than I possess.

I have created a brand new page called "2014 informal exchange" and you can all start adding your info if you want to participate (or continue to participate).

The old page with all its addresses will be deleted February 12th.
If there's anybody on that list you want to add to your address book, now's your chance.

Here's to another great year of art and friendship!

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