Saturday, June 8, 2024

DOILY DELIGHT - Post Card Exchange - Postmark by MONDAY JUNE 24th

Any Paper Doily Will Do :)

 Hello Wonderful Mail Art Swappers! 

 I hope you all are having a good summer.  Here's a themed mail art swap challenge that we've never done before, as far as I can remember. LaDonna suggested this theme :)  She suggested checking dollar stores for packs of doilies to start with.

I hope many will find it challenging and will jump in on the fun of creating art with paper doilies as the main design element. You may tear them, cut them, fold them, layer them, etc.


by hhc - ink pads scuff

  Some ideas to color your white doilies could include scuffing the doily surface with ink pads as I did for the examples, or using various paints, markers, etc.  I will be interested to see what you come up with.  

Participants may create 1 - 4 decorated post cards (6" x 4+1/4") to be exchanged with other participants.

by hhc - ink pads scuff and collage

Mail your 1 - 4 post cards to me in an envelope, along with *self-mailing labels for each card you hope to receive back when the exchange is completed.  Please let wet art dry before packaging to send in.  Waxed paper between decorated post cards is sometimes a good idea...  

Loose 1st class postage is appreciated as I usually send the exchanged cards in plain envelopes for their protection (and with hopes they all make it to their new homes safely and in a timely manner).

Get your mail art posted by Monday June 24th.  If you are going to be late mailing in your art, email me so I can wait for it to arrive before I process the swap:

Mail to:  Honi C.  PO Box 142  Freedom, NY  14065  

Suggested layout of post card back.  I will affix your
enclosed address labels* to the art that is coming
to you in exchange.

I will look forward to seeing what you create :)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Illustrate "LINE" Sayings - Post Card Swap - Get Into The Mail by Monday, June 17th.


For this group postcard swap, pick a saying or situation that includes the word "LINE" and illustrate it with your choice(s) of collage, ink, paint, rubber stamping, sketching, etc.  Here are a few ideas to get your inner artist thinking of possibilities :)

                                                                 BEE LINE by hhc 

 Write the prompt for each one of your designs on the address side of each post card.

TREE LINE by hhc

References may be historical, hysterical, comical, etc.                                        

FISH LINE by hhc 

clothesline        fence line        grocery line        story line        power line        line of thinking/thought        line in  the sand        

line of defense        hemline        chorus line 

       ship line/boat line        assembly line

roof line        fishing line        tow line        bus line        rail line        solid line/double line/dotted line   line of work        latitude/longitude line      line of defense        ancestral line  pedigree line     gag lines     worry lines/laugh lines/age lines        survey line       property line    line of  traffic 

line of questioning        cafeteria line        way out of line        product line     production line

line of work        shore line        bread line, etc.

Post cards should be approximately 4+1/4" x 6" maximum size.  In the interest of keeping postage costs down (and protecting your art) I plan to send the processed/swapped art pieces along in plain envelopes.  

Make sure wet mediums are dry before mailing your post cards to me.  If in doubt, give your art more time, and/or separate your cards from each other with waxed paper. 

Include self-address labels.

Check back here for further details.


Honi C.  PO Box 142  Freedom,  NY  14065 

by MONDAY JUNE 17th.  Please contact me if you are running late:   

Post Card back (sample)

P.S.  my  computer is not cooperating, sorry about some of the lines not centered etc.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Three from Elle:

Five from Susan FR:

One from Kathy:

Two from JoAnne:

Four from LaDonna: 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Hello Mail Art Swappers,

Just a "heads' up" that the US Postal Service is planning to increase the cost of First Class 1-ounce letter postage as of July 2024 

from 68-cents to 73-cents each. 

1st Class additional ounces will cost an additional 5-cents.

Postage cost for unprotected Post cards will start at 56-cents to send, formerly 53-cents.  Remember, the size definition is 6" x  4+1/4".

Previously purchased FOREVER STAMPS should automatically assume their new value.

 If participants find these figures to be inaccurate, please Contact Me.  

I think all mail artists should qualify for discounts since our mail art exchanges and correspondence help to  keep the US Postal Service afloat.  

Has anyone researched the efficiency and accuracy of Carrier Pigeons?

Honi C.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

USE YOUR WORDS - Post Card Swap - Postmark by May 13th

Collage Sample on Gelli Plate Print  background-

by Honi C.

For those who like to work with words, here's a chance to work your words into your art.  This group post card exchange may lend itself to collage, stenciling, ink, paint, rubber stamping, etc.

Humor is one option.  You might include a poem, song lyrics, a phrase, advertising, calligraphy, graffiti, pictures of advertising billboards, bits of tickets, etc.  Tourism posters might be another prompt. 

Rubber Stamping on Collage, by Honi C

Participants, please refer to the side note on the right side of the MMSA Home Page for guidelines to help keep our art uplifting and polite.  

I will plan to send out any Art with 3-dimentional elements protected in an envelope, in which case a couple of loose enclosed 1st Class postage stamps would be appreciated :)

Remember to include self-address labels for the art you hope to receive back in the exchange.

Any questions?  

Email me at

 or leave a message in the COMMENTS area on the MMSA site.

Send your art by April 29th to:  

Honi Chassin  PO Box 142  Freedom, NY  14065

Contact me at  if you need extra time to complete your artwork and send it in.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

FAVORITE ANIMALS Post Card Exchange -Send In By Monday, April 29th

by Joyce

For this Post Card exchange, participants may create 1 - 4 post cards to be exchanged with art from other participants.  

Standard post card size is 4+1/4" high x 6" across.

by Joyce

Depict your favorite animal(s), wild or domesticated, using your choice of mediums and styles.
by Joyce

I would expect to send out any Art with 3-dimentional elements protected in an envelope, in which case a couple of loose enclosed 1st Class postage stamps would be appreciated :)

Any questions?  

Email me at

 or leave a message in the COMMENTS area on the MMSA site.

Send your art by April 29th to:  

Honi Chassin

PO Box 142

Freedom, NY  14065

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"WOW COLOR" SPRING Postcard Swap - Postmark by Wednesday, April 24th


by hhc

Hello Mail Art Swappers,

 I took a little time off, so please be patient as I get back into the swing of things ;) 

by hhc

Here is an opportunity to use your wildest (or mildest) colors to create some early Spring cheer.  For this challenge, participants may use  various mediums, subjects and techniques.  Some ideas might be COLLAGE, PAINT, RUBBER STAMPING, TORN PAPERS, GELLI PLATE PRINTING, PHOTO'S, combinations, etc.

Participants,  Create 1 - 4 post cards to be exchanged with swap partners.  Include as many self-address labels as the number of pieces you send in.  Be sure to put your contact information and the name of the swap on the back of each post card.  We're still adhering to the 4" x 6" size.  Larger art, if sent unprotected or in large envelopes,, may require additional postage.

by hhc


by hhc

Send your finished art (separated by waxed paper if paint, etc.) and address labels in an envelope to:

Honi Chassin

PO BOX 142  Freedom, NY  14065

QUESTIONS:  Email me at 

Monday, March 18, 2024