
ARTISTS' TRADING CARDS for the New Year - Postmark by January 4th

by hhc

 Artists' Trading Cards are very delightful smaller pieces of art which are fun to create and exchange, and fun to collect.  

by hhc
I personally like to make ATC's in multiples, starting with one or two full-sized sheets, making backgrounds, then cutting them down to 2+1/2" x 3+1/2"- sized cards and finishing with collage, rubber stamping, etc.

by hhc

Participants, make 1 - 4 pieces with any medium and/or technique, any topic/subject, for our first swap of the New Year.  If you use inks, paints, gel mediums or glues, please be sure they are dry before packaging them up and sending them in.  A bit of waxed paper around each one will keep them from sticking together and becoming damaged when separated.

by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

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