

Hello my lovely art friends!

You may have noticed my waning participation in the blog in the past year.  Not only did I stop hosting, but my posts have been infrequent, usually delayed, and with minimal information or "extras."

I haven't wanted to shut down the blog because you are all such a wonderful and active community, but I have diminishing amounts of time and energy to put toward it.

Enter Honi.  She was the one to volunteer her services as our first guest host, and she always asks me how she can be more helpful.  We have finally decided to shift responsibility of the blog over to her.  I've made her a blog administrator so that she can post, edit, review comments, create new pages, etc.  She's been getting her feet wet by posting the pictures from the bug ATC swap and it's gone off without a hitch.

I will finish up posting the pictures for all the blogs that are currently open since the hosts have already started sending me pictures of the art and it's easier to just keep going with those.  Going forward, Honi will be the person the guest hosts send the images to.  For most of you, this won't change a single thing about the way you've been doing swaps for the past year.  But it WILL breathe new life into the blog, and keep this awesome community vibrant.

I'm not disappearing entirely, and always welcome your emails, but over the next few months the lion's share of the blog responsibilities will shift to Honi.

She's promised an upcoming post introducing herself and sharing her art journey.  I look forward to reading it - guess I better subscribe to my own blog!

The four years of coordinating MMSA have been a wonderful experience.  You entrusted me with your art, my mailbox was filled with joy, and I got to know so many wonderful people.  

Right now my job, my family and my beloved doggies are keeping me hopping, and I haven't had a lot of time to create my own art, let alone share it or blog about it.  I hope to get back to that once the dogs aren't quite so needy.  In the mean time, I have the best snugglers in the world to keep me smiling.

See you in the mail!

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