Oh my, it's been FAR too long since I've run an artist profile.
Summer, and all its wonderful diversions, has knocked my routine off course.
I have quite a few wonderful and inspiring stories lined up and waiting.
Today, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce you to Carlene Taylor Simmons. I first "met" Carlene during the inaugural index-card-a-day challenge in 2011.
I would scroll though hundreds of images in the ICAD flickr group and periodically stop to admire a particular card. After a while I realized I was consistently stopping on Carlene's cards. We started reading and commenting on each other's blogs, and we swap the occasional postcard.
I feel fortunate to count her among my art friends.
Here she is, in her own words:
Carlene Taylor Simmons
Nashville, TN
currently in my fabulous 40s
insurance claims examiner by day
wife and mother of two
grew up in a family of doers. My mother and two elder sisters taught me
to sew and cross stitch. I somehow found my way around to college
majoring in art, specifically fibers. I studied surface design, weaving
and book arts.
I am at a place were I enjoy art for myself. My favorite forms are mail
art and art journaling. Collage, stitching, fabric, paper and color are
common elements in my work.
studio is just a small room in our house, basically a small bedroom.
But it is one of my favorite places. Don't tell anyone but I slip off
very early each morning for a hour of quiet creative time before the
household wakes up. Having that time daily is a great benefit to my
general well being.
is also a great community in my life. Mail Me Some Art got me into mail
art after a few years away. Mail art allows me to develop relationships
in a way social media doesn't. I think of it more like old fashioned
correspondence. I reply to every piece of mail I receive that includes
the senders address with a piece of my own. It is a positive motivator
that keeps me working and playing.
are lots of things I wish I knew when I first started exploring my
creativity but I know this is the way I had to get to that knowledge.
My advice is from a quote on my studio door,
"Go to your studio and make stuff." Fred Babb
I share my journey at -