


Shall I throw out a few ideas and see if anything helps?  (You can set a timer and see how much you get done in X amount of time.  You may even find yourself going over-time :)

 1.  Organize your craft materials and media (paints, pencils, papers, pens, stickers, etc.).  That may stir the urge to create something with them.

 2.  Gather paper bits lying around and tell yourself you have to either throw them out or use them for collage.  (I REALLY need to do this!!!!)

3.  Play with inks or paint.   Play with your least fave colors first, then play with your fave colors.

 4.  Make up 4 or 5 similar or same backgrounds (post card  size) and then finish each one differently.  I like to start with a large piece of light-weight poster paper, cover the background with collage, scuff paint over that, rubber stamp over it when the paint dries, then cut it into individual art pieces.  Then finish each one with either more collage, paint, or metallic accents, etc. 

 5.  Assemble five things:  

*a tool (scissors, hole punch, paint brush, ruler, stencil, etc.)

*a medium (paint, ink, etc.)

*a marking device (pen, rubber stamp, pencil, bubble wrap, fibers (threads, strings, fabric, etc.)

*an odd item 


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