
LET'S HAVE A PIZZA PARTY !!! - P0ST CARD Swap - Postmark by Monday, February 6th

Collage by hhc
Hello wonderful mail art swappers.    I wish we all could get together for a group pizza party, that would be SO much fun.  But this art swap through the mail will have to do. You might want to order out or pick-up a pizza  as inspiration to refresh your memory while you make your art, smiles...

by hhc
Participants, design 1 - 4 post cards with representations of your favorite variety or varieties of pizzas.  Collage, paint, rubber stamp, sketch, draw, etc. so we can see what you might bake, or order from your favorite pizza parlor. Show us what toppings you like. (NO anchovies, olives or sausage  on mine!!!) 

One afterthought:  your pizza slice could take up the whole post card, i.e. a rectangular slice of pizza.

Pepperoni and mushrooms- collaged piece by hhc

For my examples I used inked /dyed round coffee filters left over from a previous group art swap for a background, and punched-out circles for pepperoni and olives.

*****NOTE:  Just wanted to remind everyone that this is a Post Card Swap, not just a pizza triangle (or square) swap. ****** 


*Create and send in 1 - 4 Post Cards to be exchanged with other swappers' art. 

Remember, these need to be able to go safely through the US Postal System.

*Post Card size is 6" wide by 4+1/4" high although you can orient your post cards vertically instead of horizontally.  
*If I receive Art pieces larger than that, they will either need to go out to your swap partner(s) in an envelope or be sent unprotected- with 1st Class postage affixed.  The same goes stiff, thick postcards with notched or curved corners.

 ***Loose postage enclosed works best for me.***

***And, please remember to send me some of your return address labels for me to use when I send your swapped art to you. 

Sample/template for back of each post card

NOTE:  Purchasing U.S. postage stamps will cost more as of January 22nd, 2023.

***Get your art into the postal system by 

Monday,  February 6th at the latest***


Honi C.  PO Box 142  Freedom, NY  14065

If you are running late, please email me so I can wait/watch for your art to arrive to include it in the exchange.

QUESTIONS:  s.h.greenstamps@ juno.com

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