
Art-On-The-Round - Postmark by September 14th

by hhc - Alcohol Inks on Semi-glossy Surface

Hello My Fellow Mail Art Swappers, 

We haven't had a "round" format swap in about a year, and before that we had two while Karen was still managing the group.  One of those was in October/November 2014.  (Scroll down the Home Page about half-way and on the right, see the "Search blog" line for viewing previous Round art.) 
by hhc - Collage
I do not suggest that we may mail our Round Art unprotected. * If that is desirable, however, make sure your art is only on ONE SIDE and all layers are secure!  

On the other side, leave room for
  • postage stamps
  • sender's return address label
  • "mail-to" label your eventual swap partner provides
Otherwise you can decorate both sides if it's to be enclosed in an envelope (which you provide).

Size:  5+1/2-inch-sized diameter rounds will fit in a 6" x 9" Kraft envelope.  For consistency try to keep your art about that size.  Enclose an unaddressed envelope that fits each piece so it may be sent on to your swap partner protected. *
by hhc- Collage
Subject Matter/Medium:  Just about anything goes but make sure your paints are dry, layers are secure.  Sequins, for example, do not travel well through the postal system.  Glitter requires strict isolation, seriously.

by hhc - Collage, Rubber Stamp & Washi Tape
Materials:  I would recommend starting with a base of standard poster board, but if you are using card stock which is lighter in weight, you could double it up.  No thick cardboard unless you are willing to pay "package" rates to send your art.

Let's make no more than THREE pieces each to make processing the swap a little simpler.

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