
Year of the Sheep/Ram/Goat - part 1

It's so much fun to have a full mailbox again!
Your submissions for all three swaps have started pouring in.
Here are the first batch of sheep...

Four from Care:

Two from Carla:

Four from Catherine: 
(hand-lettered names of sheep varieties that live in her part of England)

Four from Cynthia J:

Two from Eric:

Four from Linda:
(nice hand-carved Ram stamp!) 

Four from Lois:

Three from Phillip:
(I was never very good at tangrams) 

Four from Rose:


FinnBadger said...

And it is really great to be creating for the swaps again. Thanks as always for all of your organizing and scanning - I love to see all the different approaches.

big mamabird said...

Wow, that deadline came and went! These are lovely and I wish I had gotten it together to participate, specially after the hiatus!

arts4all said...

These are TOTALLY FAB!!!! Love each one..... such variety, and aren't they all clever in their own way? And..... glad my friend, Lois, made it into this post ;-)

Urban Rustic said...

Yes thank you for your hard work...it is so nice to see all of the other work that you might not get to see otherwise!!

Cynthia Y said...

Those little sheep from Rose are so cute!

Linda Gibbons said...

Wonderful, wonderful cards! so happy the swaps are back!

Anonymous said...

I had to look up "tangrams". Now I am really impressed with Phillip's rams!! Kathie

FinnBadger said...

Thanks! These were actually quite easy to make. The only hard part was deciding which piece of ram to glue down first to make sure I didn't stray off the edges. I also used materials lying around for this one - no new purchases or incoming anything!

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