
"Letter S" scavenger hunt - part 3

I think this just might be the last of the letter S cards.
(maybe? possibly?  unless you tell me yours is still in transit after 10 days?)
This has been a ton of fun.
How many S's can you find in the following post cards?

Three from Alyssa:

 Three from Bonnie:

Two from Crystal:

One from Eric:

One from Faith:

Two from Gina:

 One from Honi:

One from Janice:

Two from Jo:

Two from Joyce:

Two from Julie:

Two from Leslie:

One from Nancy:

Three from Rose:


Unknown said...

Very tricky Janice, it took me a while to figure out the bunny was SOFT? And the peeps are SWEET? That was very SLICK of you.

Jo Murray said...

So many different 'S's! Happy to see that mine arrived.

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