

Kitchen postcards - part 1

Here are the fabulous cards I've received as part of the Kitchen postcard swap

 Marsie's cards include a recipe and she says that all background color was done with food coloring and she used a kitchen scrubber and paper towel tube to make marks, and she wrote the word recipe with a piece of spaghetti.  How cool is that?

Gina's cards are an eye-spy game.  She says she used 6 or 7 kitchen items per card and challenges her recipient to guess what they are.

Now please forgive the lousy photos of Katie's amazing postcards.
They are sooo cool, but very hard to scan.
See the swirly pattern?  know what it's made of?
colored and crushed elbow noodles.
and since it's rather lumpy and fragile, Katie put each card inside a clear cellophane envelope, taped her message to the outside of the envelope, and included secret goodies inside.  She made seven of these postcards!  Here are two examples:

Lynn's postcards made use of such items as a plastic fork, netting, bottle caps, a crumpled wrapper, a chopstick, a birthday candle and broccoli.  Yes, broccoli.
(she made five cards but I can only find the scan of these four and I'm too tired to re-scan)

Carol's card features stamps made with zucchini.
She titled the card "pickles" because she loves to can, and you can see her garden bounty (as well as her art and other creative endeavors) on her blog.

So forgive my delay in getting these out to you guys.  Re-entry after vacation is always a bit bumpy.  Lots to catch up on. 
Plus, you wonderfully prolific artists made more cards than the number of participants and I don't want to mail anyone their own cards back, so I'm going to jump into the swap and send you all one of mine and keep one of yours in return.  But I haven't finished my cards.  I'll get the swap done in the next few days and post my pictures here.
Thanks for your patience!


Anonymous said...

Simply marvelous...I really struggled with this one and mine are on the way, but these ladies are pure inspiration. Pressure, I am buckling under the pressure of all this creative goodness. xox

GinaVisione said...

Karen - you get to take all the time you need!! Thank you again for doing this. I look forward to seeing them whenever they are ready. "Wheneva!" (channeling my inner-Beantown-child accent!)

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