Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Shelter in the Time of Storm

We are watching the news with much concern for the people in Florida. I am especially concerned for the safety of some former mail art participants:  Christie J. in Sarasota emailed me that she is "right in the line" of huricane path.  The news reports are very daunting.

 Hoping most sincerely that they will find shelter and be safe.  I have distant relatives and three cousins in Florida- two drove north, another opted to stay put with the cat.

                                     Thoughts and prayers,



I appreciate the many messages of concern regarding my current health challenges, thanks for the encouragement.  This group is very supportive and caring :)




Sunday, September 22, 2024

Your Input Please :)

Dear Mail Art Participants, 

 I would like to hear from you regarding how frequently you would like to see new swap themes/challenges listed. 

 Are two swap themes a month too many? 

 Is one swap theme enough?  If we only had one themed swap a month, would that be sufficient to keep things interesting for you? 

 Please leave a comment at the bottom of this message, or go to the COMMENTS tab and leave me a message, or send me an email and I will consider making changes to our swap theme frequency. 

 I won't post your messages publicly but I will tally the responses and share the results in, say, a couple of weeks, after I hear from interested participants. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are enjoying Autumn wherever you are.

Keep on making art :)   
Honi C.

Friday, August 23, 2024


LaDonna R.

Hello Mail Art Friends,
I hope you are having a wonderful, creative summer.
Ladonna suggested this theme and created these 8 beautiful examples to get it going.  Thanks LaDonna!
LaDonna R

We usually keep our mail art pieces thin, flat, 4+1/4" x 6" and light-weight, but for this exchange, layers will be appropriate.  

Some materials could include lace, fabric, thread, tissue paper, cording, beads, sequin waste, origami, puffy paint, etc.  No glitter please, or I cross you of my Christmas list.  (Just joking, sort of ???)

LaDonna R.

If your art is VERY thick and/or heavy and has to be mailed in a box, please include extra postage for my sending your art pieces along to your eventual  swap pals and your exchanged art to you.  I hope postage for this atypical exchange  won't get really expensive.
LaDonna R.

IF GLUE or COLLAGE MEDIUM IS USED when you put your layers together (you may stitch your layers together if you want to)- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your art is DRY before mailing it in. Also,  I would suggest putting a piece of waxed paper between each piece so they don't get stuck on each other in transit and refuse to break up :) 
LaDonna R.

Participants, our art for this exchange will be heavier and thicker than usual.  If possible I will provide/use 6 x 9-inch flat brown kraft envelopes (or puffy mailers) when I mail your swapped art to you after the exchange is wrapped up.  A few loose unused postage stamps would be appreciated.

LaDonna R.

LaDonna R:

LaDonna R.

Sample template for back of each art post card

Please send your art to:
Honi C.
PO Box 142
Freedom, NY  14065


Thank you art pals for your kind concern during these challenging times.  Much appreciated.  No answers yet but I'm hanging in there by my toenails :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 Three from Anna:

Four from Ellen:

Four from Karen M:

One from Kathy M:

Five from LaDonna:

Six from Merle:

Four from Sarah:

Monday, August 5, 2024

Postal prices rising indefinitely...

Dear Mail Art Swappers,  

A recent bit of information about the US Postal System stated that the current Post Master General intends to raise postage prices twice annually.  Some of us might consider stocking up a bit on stamp denominations we use often. You can check the US Postal Service website for details. Just a note...  Honi

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ilustrate Line Swap Art - Part 1

Three from Anna:

Four from Ellen:

Four from Jaime:

Two from Joyce:

Four from Karen M:

Four from Margaret:

Four from Sarah: