

Have The Blues? Post Card Swap - Part 1

Three from Fay:

One from Kathy M:

Four from Phyllis:

Two from Ria:

Four from Sarah:


A Scavenger Hunt - Collaged Post Card Swap - Part 2

 Four from Ellen:

Two from Lynn:

One from Phyllis:

Four from Sarah:


TRIANGLES TRADING CARDS - Postmark by Monday, March 20th

by hhc

Here's a shape/format that may be new to our MMSA group.  I'm quite sure we haven't done this yet:  ART ON A TRIANGLE rather than Artist's Trading Cards or Artist's Trading Coins. Thank you KM for suggesting this challenge :)  The art we create for this exchange will be free-standing triangles (3-pointed pieces), not circles, not squares, not rectangles.

Let's see if I can describe the process since I might not be the only geometry-challenged person: 

Start with a blank Artist's Trading Card, 3+1/2" x 2+1/2" made of card stock (index card thickness).

Measure one long side of  the rectangle.  It should be 3+1/2 inches.

Measure the short side of the rectangle.  It should be 2+1/2 inches.

Mark the center of one of the long sides by measuring from corner to corner and dividing that number in half.  Your center-mark should measure 1+3/4" from both corners.  Make a diagonal line from the center mark to each of the furthest corners.  The two sides of the triangle will be the same length.  The base will be a little longer/wider.  

Cut out your triangle(s) and decorate!!  and write your name and contact info on the widest part of the back of the triangle. 

One center triangle and two discard pieces

by hhc

If you want to use the "Masterboard" technique you could prep a large sheet of light-weight poster board with paint or ink, etc. for your background, then using the template as a pattern, trace around the outside and cut out the triangles.  Finish decorating each triangle a little differently... 


I did make extra templates/patterns. If anyone would like me to mail one or some- I was gifted with a large stack of gently-used manila file folders and they are sturdy but not too stiff or thick for many of our various projects, and they make good patterns.  

Just CONTACT ME via email or leave a comment on this site.

One thing I like about these artsy triangles is that they fit in the horizontally-oriented pockets of the plastic (Baseball) Trading Card sheet protectors (8 pockets to a page) which can be stored in a 3-ring binder.  

Also, I noticed that five of these triangles can be arranged (peaks to the center) to form a Pentagon.  How cool!

Have fun making 3-pointed art to trade.

NOTE:  Kindly put your name and email address on the back of each TRIANGLE TRADING CARD so your eventual swap partner knows who made it and can contact you to thank you.

THROUGH THE MAIL:  I suggest you wrap each triangle or two back-to-back in waxed paper, then arrange side by side and tape together with Washi or Scotch tape over the waxed paper so they don't slide around and bunch up.  This will help them to lie flat in a long business envelope or a greeting card envelope.  The hope is that the envelopes won't get ripped open by the automatic sorting machines.  

Please include a sturdy new envelope with your "TO" address on it, also non-machinable postage- probably a butterfly stamp.


Put your Triangle Trading Cards in a STURDY envelope and postmark by MARCH 20TH

Honi C.
PO Box 142
Freedom, NY  14065


  • You may send in as many as four TRIANGLE CARDS.  (You will get back the same number you send, each from a different artist)
  • Mail them to your host in an envelope, and your host will mail out the swapped TRIANGLES in the self-addressed envelope you provide.  
  • If you're sending more than one TRIANGLE, please insert waxed paper or parchment between the cards so they don't get stuck together in the envelope.  
    Please write your email address on the back of eachTRIANGLE so the recipient can thank you.  


A Scavenger Hunt - Collaged Post Card Swap - Part 1

 Four from Adrienne S:

Four from Karen M:

One from Kathy M:

Four from Pamela:



Four from Anna:

Four from Ellen:

Three from Eve:

Four from Karen M:

One from Kathy M:

One from Mirabai:

Three from Phyllis: