

Rorschach-Inspired Art - Post Card Swap - Postmark by May 3rd

By hhc - Fingertip- and
fingernail-guided Acrylic Paints

If you like playing with LIQUID acrylic paints or inks, you will have fun with this quick technique for making spontaneous art with few materials and not much planning ahead.  

By hhc - Acrylic Paints

We had a similar swap in April 2017.  Here's a link:

All you need is white card stock that stands up to liquid acrylic paints, or medium-weight glossy photo paper if you prefer using alcohol inks which flow more easily and have brighter, more intense colors than some acrylic paints.

Tube acrylic paints will NOT flow and you will not get a definite abstract design.

Note:  using patterned scrapbooking paper for your background adds a whole different look to your overall design...  To see examples, click on link above...

By hhc - Alcohol Inks
Hint:  If you do use alcohol inks, I recommend folding, then opening and spritzing the photo paper with rubbing alcohol before dripping on the ink.

Use adequate ventilation please!

By hhc - Alcohol Inks
For the examples shown, I folded the post card-sized paper in half either lengthwise or widthwise.  Then opened and flattened it, dripped or dribbled a small amount of paint or ink near or along the fold, then closed the fold making sure that there was good contact. 

By hhc - Acrylic Paints
First I ran my fingers or a blunt tool like the side of a pen or dowel along the fold.  This gives you central coverage.  Then I used my fingertips or fingernails to "guide" the wet paint or ink from the fold outwardly to the edges, in a fan pattern All this while the paper was folded on itself.  Unless you use waaaaay too much paint (not much is needed) it shouldn't squeeze out the edges.

By hhc - Acrylic Paints
After you open and check the design, you can close it and keep working on it as long as the paint is wet.  And/or you can add another color or two and repeat the steps.  I added olive green paint to the dried medium green in the above example.

By hhc - Acrylic Paints

If you've never done this before, you will be amazed with your results.  The mirrored image is really fun to discover!  Your design could resemble a butterfly.  A monster.  A gold Oscar statue.  An exploding galaxy.  (Many of my results look like X-rays.)

By hhc - Acrylic Paints

By hhc - Acrylic Paints

It's tempting to enhance the images with pen, marker, pencil or collage to show details that support whatever your imagination "sees"- but if you leave your design as it turns out, viewers will be free to imagine or "see" something in the guided blobs of paint or ink.

By hhc - Acrylic Paints. 
See, I ruined this one for you

MEDIA:  Acrylic Paint or Alcohol Ink (or maybe other inks, too)
TECHNIQUE:  Manipulated media/mirror- image designs
QUANTITY:  1 - 5 cards to exchange
SIZE PARAMETERS:  6" x 4+1/4" Post Cards

By hhc - Acrylic Paints

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