
INCHIES, TWINCHIES, 4 INCH SQUARES Swap - Postmark by February 16th

Three squares by hhc - 2021

 I'm not saying I'm tired of post cards, no, it's not that. But someone recently sent me some 4"-square art and it just had a certain appeal.  So I thought, what if we made some Square Art in different sizes to swap with our mail art pals!  Let's make it up in "sets" so we can swap art as "sets."

For this exchange, participants will make one to four "sets" of squares to exchange.  If you send in two sets, you will receive two sets back, for example.

Each "set" will consist of

One INCHIE (a 1" x 1" square)

One TWINCHIE (a 2" x 2" square)

One Four-Inch SQUARE (4" x 4")

Your squares can be color coordinated, theme coordinated, or random art,


Three templates were made from a Scotties Tissue box 
(and they might make good backgrounds!!!)

Participants, when you send your art in, please keep each "set"  (three pieces each set) together to make the sorting and exchanging phase easier for your swap host :)  For example you could wrap each finished "set" of three in waxed paper, or put it into a cellophane sleeve.

Painted background paper by hhc

Three squares by hhc - 2021

One easy way to make your "set" might be to start with a larger piece of paper/cardstock background, start some layering of ink, paint, collage, rubber stamping, etc.  Then cut the large piece of paper into the three different-sized pieces and finish decorating.  

Background paper

Three squares by hhc - 2021

I'm getting excited to see your art coming in for this group art swap- Be Square!  Have fun!


TECHNIQUE:  Your choice

1" x 1"

2" x 2"
4" x 4"

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