

Circles & Strips - Part 3

Four from Cynthia Y:

Four from Dustin:


Three from Kayenderes:

Let's Swap Five Artist Papers - Postmark by June 29th

by hhc

This swap theme always inspires creativity as participants work with 8+1/2" x 11" paper or card stock sheets to add their decorative touch.  We are hoping for original art, flat background pieces we can use in future art projects.  Or you could make something suitable to be framed!  
by hhc
To decorate your five (5) sheets for this exchange you may paint, ink, sketch, rubber stamp, stencil, or layer, but PLEASE, NO DIGITAL IMAGES, NO STICKERS, NO GLITTER.  Thank you.  We want to see your original designs :)

by hhc
SIZE:  8+1/2" x 11" papers, mailed flat (not folded) in a large Kraft or manilla envelope and a large stamped self-addressed envelope (folded once) included inside.  
by hhc
Your mailing will probably go as a "FLAT." (See your friendly postal clerk for proper postage.)

VERY IMPORTANT:  PLEASE!!! include your name, address and/or your email address, on the BACK of each paper near an edge.
by hhc
Also, include or affix adequate postage for your return envelope, approximately 2 FOREVER stamps.

by hhc


Deocorative Napkins - Part 1

Four from Janet R:

One from Karen M:

Four from Kayenderes:

Three from Margaret R:


Old MacDonald Had A Farm - Part 4

 Two from Clover:

One from Jorena:

Two from Joyce:

One from Karen M:

Two from Sandie:


Red & Black & White Post Card Swap - Postmark by June 22nd

Collage by Honi
Art with these three colors:  Red, Black & White together can be very striking.  

Collage over combed acrylic paint on Gelli Printing Plate
by Honi
Participants may use collage, paint, ink, rubber stamps, etc. or any combination of techniques and materials to make 1 - 4 pieces of post card-sized art using these three colors, to be exchanged with swap partners.

Washi tape and rubber stamped images over acrylic paint by Honi

Collage by Honi

Washi tape and rubber stamped image over acrylic paint background by Honi

Collage over Gelli Plate print (acrylic paint) with hardware cloth by Honi

White pen-accented stencil work by Honi


Circles & Strips - Part 2

One from Eve I:

Four from Gloria:

One from Karen M:

Two from Mirabai: