

STAMP HEADS ATC Swap - Postmark by February 24th

From envelope by Clover K.
It is time for another Artists' Trading Cards group swap. 

I received this delightful envelope in mid-January and was reminded that we haven't had a Stamp Heads swap since January 2014 and December 2015.  

This theme will lend itself to either a mixed media or a collage approach.
My first Stamp Head ATC was this Tyvek Dragon made in the late 1990's for an exchange with an artsy friend in Spain.  I'm sorry that the image resolution is so poor, but perhaps if you tilt your head to the left, you will get an idea of the intended effect.

by hhc - January 2020

by hhc - January 2020

When you create Artists' Trading Cards which are 2+1/2" x 3+1/2" in size, there isn't much room to work, but the subject focus and quicker construction process should make it easy and fun. 

For most of these ATCs I selected the background or body first, then looked for a stamp to add  to it.  I tried to keep the size ratio the same or close, and I considered the body position for the head angle to work with it.  You don't have to be as particular.  Just have fun!

by hhc - January 2020

Start with any background you like.  Make a scene or choose a neutral background.  Find a postage stamp with a head on it (either human or animal) and then collage/sketch/paint a body to go with it.  Or start with the body and look for a head stamp to go with it.  It helps if you have a stash of old postage stamps to go through, although modern postage is generally more colorful. This is your opportunity for whimsy :) 

by hhc - January 2020

Your art may be oriented vertically or horizontally, whatever works for you.

On the back of each ATC you send in, please write "MMSA- Stamp Heads" with the date.  Also, include your name and contact info so whoever receives your art can thank you.

by hhc - January 2020

by hhc - January 2020

by hhc - January 2020

by hhc - January 2020

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