

Twinchie Swap - Send by August 14th

Painting by Diane R (Courtesy Pam H)
It's Twinchie Time!  This swap is about making 2-inch squares, a much smaller format than our usual post card size.    Here's another opportunity to use up some small scraps of paper that you just can't throw out.  
The theme is specific:  NATURE- anything with LEGS, GILLS, TAILS, PETALS, LEAVES, WINGS, etc.  (Questions? Contact your swap host.)

Background from Decorated Papers Swap
Any medium allowed:  pen/pencil/ink, rubber stamps, paints, stickers, photos, collage, mixed medium, etc.

Any colors or combinations.
Sticker on painted background... by Diane R (Courtesy Pam H)
Each participant should make eight (8) pieces to send in.  Be sure to include a self-addressed envelope with your own return address in the upper left hand corner, also a Non-Machinable (70-cent) stamp, or a 49-cent Forever stamp plus a 21-cent Additional Ounce stamp.

Hint:  Quick and easy backgrounds for Twinchies, Inchies and ATC's can be made by painting or collaging larger sheets of paper, then cutting up into smaller sizes and decorating to finish.

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