

Make A Snowman (Post Card Swap) - Send to host by January 10th

Windblown Snowman was assembled with recycled
mailing materials from the recent Office Supply Swap.  

(This sample was made up as an Artist's Trading 
Card, but the swap is for POST CARDS.) 
Here's your chance to make a snowman without getting
wet mittens or frozen fingers.  For this Post Card swap, 
you can cut out collage elements,
paint, or draw the snowman any way
you want:  kiddie-style, abstract, folk-art, realistic; 
detailed, serious, funny, etc.
You could dress him (or her) in traditional wintry garb,
or maybe an ethnic or time period outfit.
He/she can be all put together, or
coming apart.  ("Help, I'm melting!!!")
Please do not collage a complete photo-type
cut-out snowman or use a snowman sticker as
your main focus.  We're looking for the
hand-assembled effect.  

THEME:  Feature a hand-crafted snowman design
MEDIA:  Collage, paint, ink, mixed
TECHNIQUE:  Assemble (or partly assemble) a snowman
SIZE PARAMETERS:  Post Card 4+1/4" x 6" 
CHECKLIST:  waxed paper between cards, self-address labels, postage

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