

Rolodex Art Cards - mail by October 10th

Christie is hosting a Rolodex art card swap.  Here's her description:
Although making Rolodex art cards has been around a long time I had forgotten about them until Pamela Gerard’s recent post on her blog Cappuccino and Art Journal brought them back to my attention. 

Creating a Rolodex art card is like making an elongated ATC. You can find blank Rolodex cards (and  holders) at most thrift shops or on eBay. But you don’t have to - let me know and I will send you some blank Rolodex cards.  Search for Rolodex art images on the Internet or Pinterest and you will see a huge variety of styles to inspire you. I’ve seen some with collage, painting, stamps, stitching, and small envelopes. Stitch two cards together and you have a fun pocket card. The only limit is your imagination. 

Wondering what to do with them once we have swapped if you don’t have a Rolodex file? Some ideas include: placing them on journal pages, making them into flag books, and using as bookmarks or as collage fodder.

Swap details

*Alter a 2 ¼ x 4 inch Rolodex card any way you wish. All styles and media are welcome. You can do either horizontal or vertical orientation. You can cover just one side or both. But, be sure to leave space to include your name and contact information on the back of your artwork (address and/or email and/or blog) so that your partner can thank you or find out more about you.
*If you need blank Rolodex cards, let me know. I will send some out to you right away.
*Make up to 4 cards. You’ll get back the same number you send, plus a bonus card from me.
*Place something in between your cards like parchment or wax paper so they don't stick together in the envelope.
*Please include an email address for me on a sticky note (if you don’t write it on your cards) so that I can let you know your cards arrived or if I have a question about your cards
*Place cards in an envelope with:
 -a mailing label with your name and address on it (I will stick it on the envelope I mail back to you.  In fact I will try to reuse your original envelope in the interest of conservation and recycling!)
-Postage:  send stamps equal to the amount it cost you to mail your envelope to me.
-OR include a self-addressed, stamped envelope



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