

Remembering Currie

My dear MMSA community, 

It's with a heavy heart that I share the news that our friend Currie Silver lost her battle with lung cancer on April 25th.

Currie started swapping here in February 2013, and over the next two years she created a staggering 286 pieces of art for this group.  She was active in the informal swap group as well, and I'm sure a great many of you have had the pleasure of opening your mailbox and finding her fabulous and colorful work.

She was an incredibly positive and joyful person who seemed to embrace life and live it to the fullest.

She was also so appreciative of this community.
In an email she sent me March 16th she wrote: 
"I am so grateful our paths have crossed and especially for the addition of MMSA into my Life. it's made such a difference.
love love love
In honor of Currie, I'm re-posting a few of my favorite pieces she submitted for MSSA swaps.

Under the Sea swap Feb 2013

"Head" swap Feb 2013

 Monochromatic green - March 2013

"Put a fish on it"  - July 2013

Altered Playing Card - May 2013

"The eyes have it" - June 2013

These last two are such great examples of Currie's spirit and philosophy:
from the Map swap - March 2014

found poetry - April 2014

Thank you, Currie, for sharing your art and yourself with us all. You will be missed.