

Mail Art Call

Hi everyone,
I'm passing along another mail art call in case you're interested.


Please submit original work.
Envelope art- no larger than 6”x9” (This is preferred)
Collaged and/or Painted Postcards - no larger than 5”x7”
Tags - no larger than 6.25” x 3.25”
ATC’s - no larger than 3”x5”
Most mediums are fine as long as it is flat as we will be placing your work behind glass.
Place your return address on the BACK of the envelope. This will ensure your privacy.
You will be acknowledged as the artist by an ID card that I will include next to your art. I will include your First Name, City and State .
I prefer real Postage stamps rather than metered postage.
Please understand that your mail art will NOT be returned to you as it will
remain as part of the display.
Please understand that your mail art will NOT be sold or given away.
Please understand that this is NOT a mail art swap. Meaning, you won’t be receiving mail art from me.
Please be aware that the studio provides a family atmosphere.
We reserve the right not to display your submission if we feel that the
material is deemed offensive.
Mail to
Artsy Mail Exhibit
5856 S. Lowell Blvd. #32
PMB 117
Littleton, Colorado 80123
For March 19th Exhibit, please submit no later than March 12th
Thank you and have fun!


Year of the Sheep/Ram/Goat - part 2

One from Barbara D:

 Two from Christie:

Four from Ellen:

One from Faith:

Three from Janice:

Three from Jenny R:

Three from Judith:

Two from Kathie:


Three-element collages - part 1

The first of the 3-element collages are arriving, and boy are they fun!  Many of you have said you found this exercise challenging.  It's good to push ourselves once in a while, right?  It's how we learn.
Hats off to everyone who has pushed through their discomfort and completed the challenge so far.  I love seeing the way everyone is interpreting the theme.

Two from Catherine:

Two from Judith:

Four from Laurie:

Three from Marsie:

Three from Phillip:

One from Sue:

Four from Susan:

The swap deadline for this is March 2nd, so you've still got plenty of time to make some collages and mail them to me.


Postcard Art Competition and Exhibition

Many thanks to Cynthia Y for the tip on this upcoming postcard art competition.



Year of the Sheep/Ram/Goat - part 1

It's so much fun to have a full mailbox again!
Your submissions for all three swaps have started pouring in.
Here are the first batch of sheep...

Four from Care:

Two from Carla:

Four from Catherine: 
(hand-lettered names of sheep varieties that live in her part of England)

Four from Cynthia J:

Two from Eric:

Four from Linda:
(nice hand-carved Ram stamp!) 

Four from Lois:

Three from Phillip:
(I was never very good at tangrams) 

Four from Rose: