

return to sender

Jan Hodgman emailed me to say that one of her monoprint postcards was returned to her because the address label was missing.

I sent Jan's four cards to:  Alyssa, Care, Tracy and Nancylee.
If one of you didn't get as many cards as you expected to receive, we've just discovered why!

It makes me wonder how often this happens - labels falling off in transit.
It's a great reason to put your return address on all your postcards - if there's a postal mishap the piece is less likely to disappear!


In other news, I've scanned and cropped my way through the huge backlog of mail.  The posting of pictures will resume shortly.
And with any luck I'll have some new swaps posted over the weekend.
Thanks for all your support and patience.
I'm hopefully just about to come up for air at work!


FinnBadger said...

Thanks as always for running this show - glad to see you are slowing it down to take care of the non-MMSA side of your life. (For some reason this summer has been crazy for me, too).

And I'm sure that we'll be here waiting to make more art when you are ready for us to.

Unknown said...

You are doing are GREAT job,Karen! Thanks

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