

A place for private trading

Back in July I had this great idea of creating a space on the blog where people can post specific requests for things you'd like to swap privately with someone else.  Some of you thought this was a great idea, but then I got crazy busy and forgot to do it.

Today I noticed a comment in the "received" section from Honi, asking if anyone wants to trade washi tape.  It reminded me of my idea.

So guess what?
I added a page called "Wanna Trade?"
You'll see a little button for it at the top of the blog, below the MMSA banner.

You can start posting comments there if you're looking for partners to swap one-on-one with you.  

To keep this section from getting out of date, I encourage you to revisit the page and delete your own comments once you've met your swap goal.

I'm not sure if this is the easiest way to facilitate this, but let's give it a try!

2 comments: said...

What a fun idea! I hope it works out. Seems like a great way to trade with folks with similar interests.

Linda Gibbons said...

OH yeah. Karen, you have some great ideas!

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