

Postal mishap

This is definitely the worst postal mishap I've experienced in the 2 years I've been running MMSA.

Look at the sad sorry state of this envelope!

 Though dry when I received it, it had once been thoroughly saturated.  And it has an odd smell to it, like there may have been beer involved in the saturation.  It's filthy and mangled.  the postage sticker was totally ripped off.  The tape used to hold down the address label was lifting up, and had all kinds of grit stuck to the tape.  The USPS does a phenomenal job, and I very rarely get anything in less than perfect shape.  (which is really incredible considering how much mail I get!)  This one is so bad I just keep staring at it and marveling.

Inside were Penny's cute envelopes:

At first I thought I was going to be able to salvage to of them, but when I took them back out of the envelope to photograph them, they smelled horrible, and the flaps are pretty well stuck to the envelope.

LUCKILY, you lovely and generous MMSA swappers have sent me quite a few extra envelopes, so Penny will still get a nice selection.

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