

Put a fish on it - part 2

Greetings from Bridgeton Maine.
This is my view from the deck this morning.
Lakeside coffee and blogging - what could be better?

There are probably plenty of real fish in this lake, but I much prefer the artful ones below.
All of the fabulous fish postcards are swimming to your mailbox at this very moment.
I dropped them at the post office on my way out of town yesterday.

Eric sent two more fish cards for the swap.

Here are Gina's three fishy offerings:

Judith sent three:

and here are five from Linda:

Peggy sent these four:

and here's a cool one from Susie:

Ellen get's bonus points for these three:
(she used background paper from our painted paper swap!  The first two use paper from Laurie, the third uses paper from Corrine)

Leslie sent four cards:

Mandy  (who inspired the swap in the first place) sent five:

 Here's one from Ria:

and three from Tina 


Linda Gibbons said...

Wow! Can't wait to see some of these in Person!

big mamabird said...

That porch view looks lovely! Enjoy..

GinaVisione said...

Yay! Looking forward to the schools coming to ME! :D
Really fabulous fishies swimming out there :D!!! said...

This is a whole lot of fish -- really fun!

Rhonda Halushka said...

Love the fish! Wish I had joined early enough to be part of this swap... maybe next time!

Cameron said...

That view!! *gasp*

Cute fishy fun, Karen!
I love what you've been doing here :)

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