

Postal ATCs - part 2

Here's another batch of postally-themed ATCs for your enjoyment:

Hester designed her own dragonfly postage:

Here are five beauties from Indigo:

Joyce sent the next batch of seven:

 and here are four from Leslie:


Rhonda Halushka said...

Love these! Hope you got mine... I worry so much when it involves the postal service! LOL I am looking forward to this trade as it will be my first one with this group! Yay for ATCs! said...

Love Leslie's.....

Karen Isaacson said...

I don't have them yet, Rhonda, but I didn't get to the PO today so maybe they are there waiting for me. I will let you know when they arrive. I'm so glad you found us and are swapping!

Anonymous said...

I just adore ATCs! This was so much fun! I quite enjoyed doing them!

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