

Catch up - postal ATCs and Envelopes

I'm back from vacation, but it's been a non-stop week of catching up with work and kicking off the school year.  I've had very little time for anything, including sleep.  There's a huge pile of unopened mail at my side, and dozens of scanned-last-weekend-but-not-yet-blogged images of purple postcards, collage postcards, tree postcards, etc.

the good news?
The postal ATCs and envelopes went out today at long last!
(if you did both swaps you are likely getting all your items in a single big envelope)

To catch us up on those swaps, I present....

Two lovely postal ATCs from Ria:

And now for the envelopes.
The artists name appears above the picture.








The envelope swap brought out a lot of new swappers.  A great big welcome to all of you!  Thanks for joining and I hope to see you in many future swaps.

Now goodnight, my friends!
I'm off to bed to dream of the upcoming three day weekend with no plans.


Tri-fold ATC swap - due September 23

I'm really excited about this swap.
Many thanks to Leslie for suggesting it and sending me the template.

Here's a sample I made this week in Maine:

 When folded, it's the size of a standard ATC:

Here it is stretched out and flat:

Click here to download the template and see another example.
(The template is okay to download and use, but the designer doesn't want it re-posted to other sites)

  • Create a tri-fold ATC according to the template.  
  • Please use sturdy cardstock or watercolor paper.
  • Decorate it any way you wish - paint, draw, collage, embellish, etc.
  • Give it a really good long time to dry before you fold it up and mail it to be sure it doesn't stick to itself.
  • Put it in an envelope with an address label and sufficient postage to get it back to you.  (stuff the envelope and get it weighed at the post office before you seal it so you know how much it will cost.  Stick in that many stamps, or cash.  Or send me that much money via paypal:
  • It would be wonderful if you used a sturdy envelope that I can re-use to send you back your new ATC.
  • Be sure to sign the back of your ATC and include and email address or other contact info so that your partner can thank you.
  • Feel free to make more than one.  You will get back the same number you send.
  • Mail it to me by September 23rd (postmarked by that date)
    • Karen Isaacson, PO Box 532, Shrewsbury, MA 01545


Meet the artist - Carlene Taylor Simmons

Oh my, it's been FAR too long since I've run an artist profile.
Summer, and all its wonderful diversions, has knocked my routine off course.
I have quite a few wonderful and inspiring stories lined up and waiting.

Today, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce you to Carlene Taylor Simmons.  I first "met" Carlene during the inaugural index-card-a-day challenge in 2011.
I would scroll though hundreds of images in the ICAD flickr group and periodically stop to admire a particular card.  After a while I realized I was consistently stopping on Carlene's cards.  We started reading and commenting on each other's blogs, and we swap the occasional postcard.
I feel fortunate to count her among my art friends.

Here she is, in her own words:

Carlene Taylor Simmons
Nashville, TN 
currently in my fabulous 40s
insurance claims examiner by day
wife and mother of two

I grew up in a family of doers. My mother and two elder sisters taught me to sew and cross stitch. I somehow found my way around to college majoring in art, specifically fibers. I studied surface design, weaving and book arts. 

Now I am at a place were I enjoy art for myself. My favorite forms are mail art and art journaling. Collage, stitching, fabric, paper and color are common elements in my work.  

My studio is just a small room in our house, basically a small bedroom. But it is one of my favorite places. Don't tell anyone but I slip off very early each morning for a hour of quiet creative time before the household wakes up. Having that time daily is a great benefit to my general well being. 

Art is also a great community in my life. Mail Me Some Art got me into mail art after a few years away. Mail art allows me to develop relationships in a way social media doesn't. I think of it more like old fashioned correspondence. I reply to every piece of mail I receive that includes the senders address with a piece of my own. It is a positive motivator that keeps me working and playing. 

There are lots of things I wish I knew when I first started exploring my creativity but I know this is the way I had to get  to that knowledge. My advice is from a quote on my studio door, 

"Go to your studio and make stuff." Fred Babb

I share my journey at - 

Envelopes - part 3

Check out all these lovely envelopes that arrived last week!
I know there are bundles more waiting for me at home.
These images will have to hold us over until I'm reunited with my PO Box.

five from Bonnie Jeanne:

four from Carroll:

four from Dawn:

a million from Gina:
(okay, not a million, only 20)

four from HelgaDeb:

seven from Linda:

Ten from Paula:

Mail Art Call

Hello, all you fabulous mail artists!
Frequent MMSA swapper, Judith, is hosting a mail art call for an upcoming art exhibit.
Read on for more information.


I’ve just issued my own first call for mail art, on the theme of climate chaos and climate change. Though I am not actively involved in advocacy on this issue, I know people who are, and this is my contribution to their art exhibit this fall.
The call is at this new blog I've set up, and if you just want to plunge ahead, this is all you need to know: Format is 4 X 6, deadline is October 10, and the address is Climate Change Mail Art, PO Box 369, Harrisonburg, VA 22803

I would love to see some contributions from people whose work I've already seen and admired through MMSA. And how about those of you whom I haven't yet swapped with? Show me your stuff, especially if this topic moves you.

Thanks! -- Judith

postal ATCs part 3

I'm loving vacation, but missing my mailbox.
Here's another batch of postal ATCs that were scanned before I left.  

three from Lynn:

Nine from Michele:

Two from Peggy:

Five from Rhonda:
(who made her cards on an art date at Leslie's house.  Read Leslie's account of the day here, and Rhonda's report here.)

Three from Susie:

Four from Terrie:

There are still 25 cards I haven't posted, and perhaps a few more at home in my mailbox.