

Postal themed ATC swap - Due August 5th

Several of my blogging friends have been creating and swapping ATCs with a postal theme and the cards are so beautiful, I thought it would be a great idea for a MMSA swap.  
What does a postal themed ATC look like, you ask?
 Well here are some made by Pamela:

And here are some from Andria:

Here are some from Connie: 

(thank you, my friends, for sharing your beautiful art with us!)

Don’t you just want to make a million of these right now?
Go get started!
Swap details:
·      ATCs are “Artist Trading Cards” – they must be 2 ½ x 3 ½ inch cards (think playing card, or baseball card.)
·      Decorate them with any kind of ephemera related to mail, letters, stamps, the postal service, etc.
·      Write your name and email address on the back of each one so that people may thank you for your work
·      Create as many ATCs as you like.  You’ll get back the number you send.
·      If you’re making more than one, make sure you put something in between them when you mail them to me so they don’t stick together.  (you could put them in those tiny little ATC sleeves, but it’s not necessary.  You can just layer wax paper or parchment or freezer paper in between them)
·      Put your ATC(s), an address label and postage in an envelope and mail it to me by August 5th.
·      I will send yours back in a single envelope (I will try to re-use the envelope I receive from you.)  Send me the amount of postage it cost you to mail your envelope to me.  You can send me stamps, cash or use paypal (

Karen Isaacson
PO Box 532
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
United States

4 comments: said...

Love! Swoon! I am going to make more to trade....

Beverley Baird said...

Sounds like a fun swap. Is there a signup at all or do we just send the cards?

Karen Isaacson said...

Just go ahead and send them in! You'll get back the same number you send.

Anonymous said...

Heading to you in Mondays mail. this has been one of my favorite swaps.

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