

articulated paper doll swap – mail by June 24

Let’s go out on a limb here and try something new.
(get it?  limb?  like an arm or a leg?  sorry.)

Carroll’s marvelous submission for the animal art swap was so inspiring, I decided it was time to host a swap dedicated to this art form.

What the heck does articulated mean? Having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint.

Here are some more examples of Carroll’s work that she graciously shared with me. See how their joints are attached by tiny little brads?  You can arrange those limbs in any number of positions!

And as you can see, you aren’t required to create a human doll.  Creatures of any kind are welcome as long as it’s your original work.  We’re not swapping any of the pretty print-and-assemble dolls that are so readily available for download.

Stuck for ideas?  Here is one of Carroll’s favorite tutorials to get you started:

When you're done, sign the back, wrap it securely (with love) and tuck a little note for your partner in the envelope with your email address.
Include a mailing label and postage money  (go to your post office and get it weighed or use the postage calculator at to figure out what it will cost me to mail it to your partner)

Get it in the mail no later than June 24th and send it to:
Karen Isaacson
PO Box 532
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
United States

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A most unusual swap, I like it :D

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