

Altered playing cards - part 3

Three cards from Gina:

Six cards from Currie:

 Six cards from Joanne:

 Eight cards from Melva


 Three cards from Peggy:

 Two cards from Ria:

 Six cards from Trula:



big mamabird said...

Nice, everybody!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful swap. I'm so sorry I had to skip this one. There were too many other things with looming deadlines.

big mamabird said...

the queen of the trail of tears...huh and wow

karenm said...

So much fun to see the creativity! I especially like Currie's card since a call to relax is much needed right now, and Ria's artwork is stunning as usual. All of the cards are lovely and inspirational! Thank you for sharing these, Karen.

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