

green postcards - part 4

Here's another fabulous batch of green cards for your viewing pleasure!

Frances sent two lovely/leafy watercolors.

Jean's collage cracks me up.  What is that green guy?
He's so cool.

 Eric joins us for the first time. (I'm going out on a limb and assuming he's a man.)  He's from France.  That's two "firsts" here at MMSA.  Welcome Eric!

Karen's cards are unbelievably cool, though the best part is lost in the scanning process.  They are covered with a printed transparency that makes the black bits look like they are floating above the background.  (the ghost-like areas aren't really on the card, it's reflection from the scanner on the shiny transparency)

The ever talented and highly prolific Katie sent six great collages.

Laura  is another first time swapper.  Her beautiful card has a wonderful crackle texture

Laurie is also a new swapper and celebrates MMSA on all her lovely layered cards.

I've still got about 20 cards to post, but it will have to wait until tomorrow!


Currie Silver said...

wow, this looks like great fun, Karen!! I am sure loving MMSA and enJOYing the surprise of seeing something I've sent popping up on my Google Reader home page!! great grrrrrreeeeeeeens!!

karenm said...

Such fun cards! Thank you so much for creating this community, Karen! I greatly appreciate all of your work and happy energy. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Marvie, they are all amazing. xox

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