

yellow postcards part 3

 Eek - I'm falling asleep on the job here!  I uploaded these pictures last weekend, and forgot that I never actually wrote the blog post.  I also forgot I haven't actually swapped them and mailed them yet.
Do you ever complete tasks in your head and think you've also done it in reality?  I get sooo much accomplished in my head.
My task for the day - show you this final batch of postcards and get them all on their way to you.  For real.

First up - Two from Jean.
I'm a sucker for a rotary phone, and I love the way there's a phone message form as the background.

The texture on this giraffe card from Karen M. is fabulous.

The talented and prolific Katie submits four for this challenge:

Tina's lily practically jumps off the card:

Two beautiful and fabulously different cards from Tallie:

What should our next color swap be?
First commenter gets to pick it!


amy said...

Green for spring. More snow coming tomorrow...sigh.

Anonymous said...

Oh good choice, Katies are marvelous. I am a sucker for a rotary phone too. Yes in your head, thinking it is done, I been there done that....


TaylorMaide said...

Can't believe I didn't get a yellow card made. I'm so on the green swap early.

Parabolic Muse said...

These cards are really wonderful. Bummed I didn't get in on this one! I must do green! Green is keen!

When's the plaid card swap?

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