

Yellow postcards - part 2

The joyful yellow parade continues!

Carroll sent these three stitched beauties:

This next one is from first time swapper, Colleen.
So glad you could join us!
I "met" Colleen because I sent her a card for the international postcard swap and she emailed me back.

and speaking of meeting people through swaps...
I met Amy because she sent me a postcard as part of that same swap last year.  I loved her card, and saw she was relatively local, and we started emailing and reading each other's blogs and eventually took a class in person together.  
See how mail brings us together?
Here are Amy's four postcards: 

And speaking of talented art bloggers I've had the privilege of meeting in person, here are two glittery hearts of joy from Corrine:

Now, enjoy some great collage and haiku from Ellen on the next four cards:

Judith "worked the grid" for her two postcards.

Leslie's backgrounds are torn from the yellow pages (naturally) and have some great stitched details.

Happy to see Marsie back with us.  Here are her two cards.

I love how totally different, but equally awesome, Shirley's cards are.

Mail makes friends.
Keep those cards coming!

8 comments: said...

I feel cheered up just looking at all these and considering I have something resembling (but not quite) the flu that is really saying something. Great cards you all!

amy said...

Mail *does* make friends. Yay! We're expecting MORE SNOW tomorrow. Bring on the yellowy sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Loving them all!!! So much fun. xox

Roberta Warshaw said...

Beautiful work! I hope to take part soon. Once things settle down at home with my son's broken wrist etc. Perhaps when I return from vacation my batteries will somehow be recharged. Right now I am running on empty.

Debbie Osborn said...

Yep, I love mail and I love those cards Karan. Got a blue one from you today, I really love it x

karenm said...

Thank you for posting these beauties, Karen! Although the snowy morning is magical, these cards bring much-appreciated warmth and fun. Happy weekend!

Jo Murray said...

So sunny and bright...and generally uplifting.

Cynthia said...

I just love each one of these yellow cards!

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