

Yellow postcards part 1

Vibrant rays of yellow sunshine have started arriving in my mailbox!

Here are two from Lynn:


And four from Terrie:

Three from Cynthia:
(look for the picture of her riding a yellow dinosaur!)

and two from Polly:


A blizzard is bearing down on my part of the world, and over two feet of snow is expected.
I might have to tape these cards to my windows for a little while!


amy said...

February has gotten away from me already! I have nothing for this and don't think I'll make it, although we'll see...if we have power tomorrow perhaps I'll gather up all the yellow I can find and work in a frenzy. I'll let you know! 'Specially because my Monday is super crazy and I probably won't get them in the mail until Tuesday... said...

Oh, I see you made it to the PO before the blizzard......

karenm said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous! I'm in the swirling snow with you, and these cards look so warm and sunny. I think they're all beautiful (love all those layers!), but that lady in the bright bikini made me chuckle, probably we're in the opposite of beach weather right now.

Suzanne said...

Oh that is a good idea.. it's bad here in Andover and I am supposed to get to work at some point tomorrow! LOL

Anonymous said...

Boy those brightened my day, got to finish mine off.....xox

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