

Head Swap - February 25th

Many thanks to Chris (aka Parabolic Muse) for suggesting this swap idea.

For this swap we will create an original head-shaped piece of art.  Something flat – not a sculpture.  It can be made from any materials – paper, fabric, wood, metal.  It can be embellished and textured and “lumpy”.  It will be mailed in an envelope to your swap partner so no worries about sending it “naked” through the mail.

It can have a face, or no face.  It can be human, animal, mythical. 
Glasses?  Hair?  Hats? Jewelry? Mask?  The possibilities are endless.
It can be realistic or surrealistic or abstract.

Here’s what we don’t want:  a head glued to a rectangular substrate.
Whatever you send must be in the shape of a head. 
No bodies.  Neck and shoulders okay.

Minimum Size:  3 inches between any two points
Maximum Size:  5 inches between any two points.

I will make every effort to re-use the envelope you send me.
It will travel, along with your art, to the lucky recipient.

·      Within the US:  Please go get your package weighed.  If it costs you $2.00 to mail it to me, it will cost me $2.00 to mail your art to someone else.  So before you seal up that envelope, stick the proper number of stamps or amount of cash into the envelope.  Or, if you prefer (or forget to stick it in the envelope), paypal me the amount it cost you to send the package.  (paypal address is
·      If you live outside of the US, email me so we can figure out a suitable postage amount.  It’s a little tricker with parcels, because I won’t know the weight of what I’m sending you until all the swapping has been done, so I don’t know how much it will cost me to mail this unknown item to you.  But we can definitely work something out, so don’t let it hold you back from swapping.

Be sure to sign your work!  And include a note or business card for your partner so that they know more about who the artwork came from and are able to contact you and thank you.

Also let me know if you want me to link your work to your blog, website, flickr, etc.

·      create a head
·      pack it in an envelope
·      include a mailing label with your address.  I will stick this to the package I’m sending you.  If you don’t have any labels, just send a label-shaped piece of paper with your name and address on it and I will tape it to your envelope.  By including a label it saves me the time of writing everyone’s info by hand, and keeps me from making mistakes when I decipher your handwriting and copy your address.
·      Include a note/contact info for your partner
·      If you live in the US include postage or cash (or use paypal to send me the money)
·      If you live outside of the US, email me at to discuss rates
·      Get it in the mail by Monday February 25th
·      Send to :  Karen Isaacson, PO Box 532, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 (United States)


big mamabird said...

such fun new swaps!!

Parabolic Muse said...

I'm in.
Watch out.

Joyfulploys said...

I'm going to try this :)

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