

Bookmark swap - postmark by November 3

Quick, easy and fun:

Make two bookmarks - any style, any medium, any size.

Paint them, knit them, fold them, draw them.
Anything goes.
As long as you can close a book on them and they fit inside a business size envelope (also known as a #10.  approximately 4"x9")

  • make two bookmarks
  • put them in an envelope with:
    • a self-addressed stamped business size envelope
    • if you're outside the US, just send the addressed envelope and send me $1 via paypal
  • Get them in the mail to me no later than November 3rd
    • Karen Isaacson, PO Box 532, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, United States.


Angie said...

Those top bookmarks are pretty. I think I'll send you something ...

Untingly said...

Mine are on their way to you Karen. :) ~ Ungala

Lynn said...

Mailing mine today!

Parabolic Muse said...

I'm there, baby. couldn't do one stitch of arting last weekend, so I'm glad I didn't miss this swap.

Steph Dodson said...

A little tardy to the party, but I just made a pair of bookmarks. Hope to get them in the mail tomorrow.


dori said...

hold the bus! mine are going in the mail, tomorrow!

Christine said...

I'm sending mine tomorrow! I'm glad to sneak this swap in just under the wire. :)

Leslie said...

Ha! Glad I'm not the only Last Minute Lucy.
They went out today, but I'm clear in California, so it'll be a few days.
Wrote about them on my blog -

Leslie said...

Hey Dori - I received your 'little sister dressed herself' tag. I love the background. Lots of stamping and paint going on. Very nice! Thanks a lot.

Leslie said...

I also got a great one from Jean on an old math flash card, but she didn't post here so can't reply to her. Thanks, Jean!!

It's a shame there's no better way to say thanks to the makers. :-(

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