

Summer Postcards - Part 1

I've decided to post the incoming mail as I receive it, to keep things lively over here.

You still have a few more days to send in your postcards!  Perhaps these pictures will provide some inspiration and motivation.  Wouldn't you be thrilled to receive one?  Send one in and you'll get one back!

I'm linking to each artist's blog if I know what it is.  If you aren't linked and would like to be, send me an email and I'll update the post. (I'll link to whatever you want - your blog, flickr, facebook, youtube, home phone number, bank account....)

The artist's name is in the caption below each postcard.  Click on their name to see more of their work.

Dori #1

Dori #2



These are fabulous and it's been so much fun to go to my mailbox every day.  Keep them coming!


Anonymous said...

Oh so yummy summer goodness going in the mail, mine is on the way.......Yes, keep them coming. Off to check out some sites. xox

TaylorMaide said...

It's so great to get to see all of these!

PostMuse said...

Such pretty mail! I am so excited that MissiveMaven posted the link to your site today. I am too late for summer, but there sure are some other great ones listed. Thank you for doing this!

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